Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Scuba Day 3: Certified!

I learned my lesson on day 2 the hard way, but at least I learned it. Today (day 3) I took a motion sickness drug and wore two smaller (proper fitting) wet suits. It was still cold and rainy outside, but I felt infinitely better and survived the final two dives necessary to get certified.

There were actually only two of us (tourists) on the boat and the other girl, Katie, got sick. (This made me feel like slightly less of a wuss) Since the weather was just about as bad as yesterday and we were at a dive site MUCH closer to the hotel, we actually came back after the first dive to warm up before going out again at 3 when the weather cleared up - as it always does at 3. My last dive was just off the beach and very enjoyable since I had finished all of the tests and we could just play around in the water.

Tomorrow I meet up with the Stanford crew on the opposite side of the island (about a 3 hour drive). Maybe the weather will be better there. Although, Brent - if you're reading - I will definitely dive again with you but I'm not sure I'm up for the advanced course. Think I'm going to save that for the warmer (and hopefully less choppy) waters of the Caribbean.

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